I am lucky in life. I had no control of where I was born, my family of origin, or my genetic make-up. Yet, despite having no input regarding consequential foundational elements in my life, the truth remains: I am lucky. I have my health, a solid marriage, and amazing kids. I pursue my interests with passion and purpose each and every day.
However, I don’t take this luck for granted. This luck is created with a daily meditation, workout, and nutrition regimen. This luck is cultivated by consistent respectful communications with my spouse, especially during times of conflict. This luck strengthens when I continuously seek ways to connect and engage with my kids’ thoughts, ideas, and activities. All of these dedicated actions make me lucky in life.
We all come from a variety of places when we are born. Our family structures and our genetics are completely different. Yet, regardless of our circumstances, we all have the potential to be lucky in life. We have the opportunity each and every day to pursue our interests with passion and purpose.
Of course, this life does not come without a cost. Creating this life can be incredibly hard work at times. We may have to expend energy and efforts that are grueling. We may have sacrifices that cause us pain. We may have to make decisions that are difficult.
When we work on what is important to us, we begin to manifest our luck. It’s our pursuit of what brings us passion and purpose that keeps us lucky. It’s important to remember we can’t take our luck for granted. We have to work.
There will come a day when my life will end – when my luck will run out. Until that time, I’ll keep working hard each and every day. As long as I have the ability to pursue with passion and purpose; I am lucky in life. We’re different, but we all have the opportunity to pursue our interests … this makes us lucky.
KerryOn Questions
- In what ways are you lucky in life?
- How do you pursue your interests with passion and purpose?
- What are the actions you can take to keep yourself lucky in life?
The Kerry behind KerryOn
My name is Kerry K. Fierke, Ed.D. (pron. Fear-Key) I have a unique combination of skills and experience – decades of fast-paced corporate experience in Fortune 100 companies and large health care organizations, combined with the academic rigor of a highly ranked research university. My focus is supporting others to create their own path to leadership development, lifelong learning, and a unique leadership legacy. Take a moment to focus on leadership, then KerryOn!
To see all KerryOn's and other leadership stuff, visit www.kerrykfierke.com.